Best Online Board Games To Play With Friends in 2024

best online board games

Are you the kind of person who always has a board game tucked away in the closet? Are you ready for a fun evening with friends or family? From classics like Ludo and Monopoly to countless others, board games have long been a favorite pastime, bringing endless entertainment and joy. So, in this article, we provide a list of the Best Online Board Games.

In this digital era, where everything from shopping to education has seamlessly transitioned online. So, it’s no surprise that board games have also found a new playground online. Now, the joy of board gaming is just a few clicks away on your mobile phone. Imagine playing your favorite games anytime, anywhere, even with friends miles away. So, let’s explore the best ones available. 

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Backgammon Online

Our first game in the Best Online Board Games is Backgammon Online. It is a game that’s as fun as it is timeless. With its rich history dating back thousands of years, this game has now found a new life in the digital world, and it’s capturing the hearts of players all over again. Let’s talk about how backgammon is played in simple terms. The game is set up on a board with 24 narrow triangles called ‘points.’

backgammon online

These points are grouped into four quadrants, and each player has 15 checkers to move around the board. The roll of two dice decides how far you can move your checkers. The main goal is to move all your checkers onto your home board and then bear them off (which means removing them from the board).

The first player to get all their checkers off the board wins the game. You can play against friends or family, no matter where they are. And if they’re not available, no problem! Backgammon Online lets you play against players from around the globe, so you can always find a match, day or night. You can also get more online games like these on hidden Google games!


The next one on our list of the Best Online Board Games is Cribbage. It is a game that might not be as widely known as some other board games, but once you get the hang of it, it’s incredibly engaging and fun. This game has a charm that combines cards, a particular board, and a scoring system. So, what’s Cribbage all about?


At its core, Cribbage is a card game for two to four players, though it’s most commonly played with just two. Each player gets a hand of cards; the game’s magic lies in how these cards are used to score points. The game involves grouping cards in combinations to score points, and these combinations can be based on pairs, runs, and sums of 15.

The unique aspect of Cribbage is the cribbage board used for scoring. This board has a series of holes and pegs, and players move their pegs along these holes to keep track of their points. Playing Cribbage card game online brings this classic game right into the modern era. This means no more fiddling with cards or worrying about losing pegs from your cribbage board. Now let’s go to the next game for the Best Online Board Games.


Have you ever played a vocabulary game and come out on top? Whether you’re a word game wizard or just getting started, Scrabble can turn you into a master of words in no time. This game is about creating words from lettered tiles, each with its point value, on a 15×15 grid board.


The fun part is that you rack up points by strategically placing words on the board and using special squares for bonus points. Scrabble is more than just a game; it’s a brain teaser that tests your language skills and keeps your mind sharp. It’s perfect for all ages, making it a great way to bond with family and friends while challenging each other’s vocabulary.

Plus, it’s a fantastic way to learn new words and improve your spelling in a fun and engaging way. You might start with simple words, but as the game progresses, you’ll find yourself digging deep into your vocabulary reservoir, pulling out those rarely used, high-scoring words. It’s always a delightful surprise when you can lay down a word that earns a hefty score, mainly when you use those tricky Qs, Zs, and Xs!


The next game on our list of Best Online Board Games is Chess. The game that many might find hard to imagine without a physical board and pieces—that’s Chess. This timeless classic, often regarded as the game of kings and thinkers, has brilliantly transitioned into the digital world, proving that it’s not just a game but a phenomenon that transcends boundaries. Chess, a game steeped in strategy and skill, has always been synonymous with intellectual prowess and deep thinking.

chess online

It’s a battle of wits, where two players move their pieces across a checkered board, each aiming to outsmart and checkmate the opponent’s king. The beauty of Chess lies in its simplicity of play and complexity of strategy. With each pawn, knight, bishop, and rook moving uniquely, the game offers infinite possibilities and requires foresight, planning, and tactical understanding. Online Chess brings this classic board game to your screens, allowing you to play, learn, and compete with millions around the globe.


The final one on our list of Best Online Board Games is Monopoly. The iconic board game, known for turning friends and family into budding real estate moguls, has also made a grand entrance into the digital world. This game, a household staple for generations, is all about strategy, luck, and wheeling and dealing. Furthermore, the goal is just to outsmart your opponents, acquire properties, build houses and hotels, and ultimately monopolize the board and drive others into bankruptcy.


Players roll dice to move around a board, buying and trading properties and developing them with houses and hotels. The more properties you own and the more developments you make, the higher the rent you can charge your opponents. But beware, as the roll of the dice can sometimes land you in trouble, be it through hefty taxes, jail time, or costly utility bills.

When we bring Monopoly into the online realm, the fun only multiplies. Online Monopoly brings this family favorite to your fingertips, allowing you to play with friends or family members nearby. Additionally, the digital version often includes various customizations and themes, adding fresh excitement and visual appeal to the classic Monopoly experience.

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